Are you getting enough nutrients in your diet to support a healthy mouth?

Along with regular dental cleaning and checkups:
Floss at least once a day. It helps remove bits of food and dental plaque in places your toothbrush can’t find, helping to keep your gums healthy.
Brush after every meal, or at least twice a day. If brushing is not an option, chew sugarless gum (make sure it’s sugarless!) for 20 minutes after a meal or snack to help wash out food and acid by increasing saliva production. This helps prevent tooth decay.
Clean your tongue with every brushing, either with a toothbrush or a tongue scraper.
Bacteria that settle on your tongue can cause bad breath, also known as halitosis.
Replace your toothbrush regularly. Bristles in your toothbrush that are bent or broken don’t do a good job cleaning your teeth anymore and are clear signs to get a new toothbrush.
Eat a balanced diet. Snacking on sweets too often without brushing increases the acid in your mouth giving you a higher risk of developing tooth decay. Eat vegetables and fruit instead.

Durodent™ Capsules
Strong Teeth

Microcrystalline Hydroxyapatite (MCHA) is a calcium compound that contains minerals in their natural ratio. MCHA makes up the natural crystalline matrix of the teeth and bones and maintains their integrity. MCHA contains calcium and phosphorus as well as magnesium and other essential trace minerals. Vitamin C, D and K are also present, which aid in the synthesis and maintenance of tooth and bone tissue. Minerals are all crucial to good health and proper functioning of the body.
The term vitamin K represents a collection of fatsoluble substances that all possess hemostatic activity.
Vitamin K includes: K1, or phylloquinone which is found in green leafy vegetables and K2, or menaquinones,
which are in egg yolk, butter, cow liver and cheeses. Vitamin K is involved in tooth and bone metabolism and there is evidence that vitamin K may possess anticarcinogenic abilities.
Vitamin D3: A vitamin produced by the body when exposed to ultraviolet light or obtained from dietary
sources. vitamin D3 is a hormone that has an important role in calcium and phosphorus metabolism. Technically, vitamin D3 is not a vitamin because the body can produce it.
Magnesium: A mineral involved in many processes in the body including nerve signaling, the building of healthy teeth and bones, and normal muscle contraction. About 350 enzymes are known to depend on magnesium.
Calcium: A mineral found mainly in the hard part of bones, where it is stored. Calcium is added to bones by cells called osteoblasts and is removed from bones by cells called osteoclasts. Calcium is essential for healthy teeth and bones.

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Freshadent™ Lozenges
Fresh Breath

Freshadent™ contains the naturally occurring probiotic organism Blis K12®, which has been clinically shown to support oral and throat health. Although it is not an antibiotic, Freshadent™ successfully colonizes the oral
cavity at the expense of other bacteria, promoting oral health. It also helps to improve breath when used in conjunction with proper oral hygiene. Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) provide nutritional support the S. salivarius. If you are not consuming enough of the foods containing the key tooth support
nutrients, the answer may be DentiCorp Professional Dental Care Formulas
Other Ingredients:
FOS (Fructooligosaccharides), Xylitol, Sorbitol, Cellulose, Silica, Stearic Acid (vegetable source), Natural Strawberry Flavor, Beet Powder and Natural Vanilla Flavor. Contains milk derivative.
Freshadent™ is a completely innovative natural supplement developed specifically to help promote healthy oral bacteria, and therefore, a desirable state of overall health and wellness.

Hydrodent™ Softgels
Dry Mouth Formula

Complete Omega 3-6-9 Support
Evening Primrose Oil - is rich in omega-6 fatty acids, including linoleic acid (LA) and gamma linoleic acid
(GLA). The human body uses LA to produce GLA which helps maintain stratum cornium cohesion and
reduce transepidermal water loss. Clinical studies in the 1980’s proved that the consumption of evening primrose oil can reverse symptoms of essential fatty acid deficiency, which is associated with various human health disorders such as dry-mouth.
Flax Seed Oil - is one of the richest sources of natural omega-3 fatty acids found in nature. Recent research
suggests supplementation with flax seed oil once or twice each day may help reduce dry-mouth. Essential
fatty acids are essential for your oral health and for your overall health and well being.
Black Currant Oil - contains anthocyanosides that have beneficial properties in terms of antioxidant potential. Black currant constitutes one of the important sources of potential health-promoting phytochemicals. Black currant has been shown to provide support to oral health.
Pumpkin Seed Oil - The newest studies are now showing that zeaxanthin is even more important for oral health. Pumpkin seed oil is one of the richest sources of this valuable nutrient.

GMP Dietary Supplement Program Report

We have an outstanding record when it comes to meeting FDA requirements for natural product manufacturing. Plus we go beyond the requirements in order to meet your standards of excellence. But it’s one thing to tell you this. It’s another to break it down and show you the details. Here’s our latest report on how we’re doing.

Well respected, industry known Quality Management.

Facility last inspected in 2015 – no observations.

NPA GMP Certified since 2000; UL Certified since 2015.

All finished products tested to ensure products meet label claims.

All raw materials tested for identity, strength, heavy metals, microbial contamination and other likely adulterants.

All raw material suppliers qualified prior to use.

All sports product ingredients, male product ingredients tested for steroids, active pharmaceutical ingredients (drugs). All milk proteins tested for melamine. All weight loss products tested for weight loss drugs.

All organic products manufactured by NOW meet the USDA NOP requirements and are certified by QAI.

On-going stability testing of many products to ensure shelf stable and for expiration dating.

All standard operating procedures meet FDA GMP requirements and are approved by Quality.

All products inspected by Quality Control personnel at every stage of the manufacturing process.

Quality procedures to prevent cross contamination and allergen contamination include separate warehousing, special air handling systems, physical separators, robust cleaning procedures, residue testing, equipment surface swabs, etc.

Extensive in-house labs – analytical chemistry, microbiology, physical testing, sensory testing.

Extensive sanitation procedures including Master Sanitation Schedules, pest control, etc.

All ingredients/products approved by Quality unit separate and independent from Manufacturing.

All equipment calibrated to ensure proper and accurate operation.

All ingredients tested to ensure correct identity using sophisticated analytical methods.

Facility cleaned daily according to cleaning schedule.

All processes have been assessed for potential hazards and controls implemented to prevent contamination at each step/stage of manufacturing. These features include sieves and magnets to prevent contamination of ingredients/mixes and metal detection at step of processing and packaging.

Only high purity water that is regularly monitored and tested is used in processing purified and tested.

Only scientifically valid analytical methods to determine identity, measure strength and detect contamination are used. Highly experienced and qualified senior scientists ensure methods are appropriate for their intended use.

Ingredients/products are tested to ensure no harmful pathogens are present and that bacteria, yeasts and molds are at normal, safe levels.

The addition of each ingredient is verified by a second person to ensure accuracy and safety.

All batch production records and associated documents completed according to FDA requirements and maintained for 6 years.

Samples of all products, ingredients and in-process steps maintained for 6 years.

All production is performed against extensive specifications for each product including raw material, in-process and finished product specifications.

Year after year we will continue providing all the best for our customers.


Our Company is empowering people to lead healthier lives is a reward in and of itself, and awards and recognition from others are affirmation that we’re fulfilling this mission. These awards are also a testament to the innovation and quality that go into every one of our products.

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